The seventh edition of the Mind the Gap project revolves around a video and film exploration of gesturality. As we know, our body is not immutable; it is constantly marked not only by the passing of time, but also by its surrounding cultural, social, and economic models. This implies that the body is an actor, in the etymological sense of the term; that is, it actively and directly participates in what happens, it is the tool through which the subject exists in the world. The body is the margin or threshold of humans’ shared experience of being, it is deeply relational in a constant dynamic between I and we, and in this sense, it is also highly political.
Artists: Éric Baudelaire, Francesco Bertocco, Anouk Chambaz, Enej Gala, Eva Giolo, Silvi Naçi
Udine / October 28th – November 26th, 2023