Behind you

Image education project
Educandato Statale Collegio Uccellis, Udine

Behind you, the film that never was.

Through the press releases and the pressbook, on 7 April 2017 was announced the preview – at the Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine – of the short film Dietro di te (Behind you) by Daniele Vicari, produced by Altreforme on the topic of bullying.

There was the director, there were the actors, the stage photographs and finally the audience, but the film was not there. The short film was not screened. It was not a fake, but an image education project that involved a group of 16 and 17-year-old students of the Collegio Uccellis State School of Udine for 6 months. The students built a false plausible inside a laboratory of history and technique of photography, conceived and conducted by Altreforme with the collaboration of directors Daniele Vicari and Fernando Muraca.

The whole project focused on building a plausible fake, the subject of which is bullying in schools. It was intended to start an educational didactic modality that would involve young people in the complex field of artistic and multimedia productions and that would stimulate their design and critical skills.

Starting from the reflection around the photographic processes, the construction of the image and its relationship with reality, the students made the still photographs of a film that doesn’t exist. The stage photographs were chosen because they constitute the first moment of commercial communication of the film, contributing to making the fictional cinema plausible and the characters credible.

Looking at a photograph, the first sensation you receive, however shrewd you may be, is truth. So if the goal is to talk about an episode of bullying, the film Dietro di te (Behind you) by Daniele Vicari is nothing more than the device that acts as a catalyst to improve the incisiveness of communication and the stage photos have all the communicative power, necessary regardless of the existence of the film.

To create the false plausibility, the boys wrote the subject, collaborated in the casting phase and participated in the filming, creating both the video and photographic material for the making of.



A project by
Altreforme, in collaboration with Fondo Audiovisivo FVG and Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission

Created and produced by
Augusta Eniti e Andrea Trincardi

Beatrice Blanes, Nadia Da Prat, Erica D’Onofrio, Martina Gambitta, Carlotta Micoli, Fabio Modonutti, Petra Pallanti, Emanuela Stetsko, Cindy Zanuttini

Debora Vrizzi

Remigio Guadagnini

Supported by
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

With the support of
Coop Alleanza 3.0, Legacoop FVG, Educandato Statale Collegio Uccellis