During the Forties the young Pier Paolo Pasolini lived in Casarsa, a small town in Friuli and his mother’s birthplace. He discovers the Friulian landscape, language and traditions of the rural world and experiences his first romances with young peasant boys. This contact with local people prompted his political activism with the Italian Communist Party and led to his teaching experience.
The story of those years is told by Nico Naldini, Pasolini’s direct cousin. The life of Pier Paolo runs through Nico’s voice, that unveils two unavoidably linked lifepaths. Both were, at the time, discovering an unknown world, of which they experienced the aesthetic and erotic violence, in its cruel reality. This universe would become the basis for the later poetry and movies of Pasolini.
Documentary, 80 min, Italy
Status: completed (2019)
Festivals and awards
Minsk International Film Festival “Listapad”, 2019 / Films about the Cinema
Biografilm Festival, 2020 / Special Mention Biografilm Italia
Sole Luna Doc Film Festival, 2020 / Sguardi Doc Italia
Asolo Art Film Festival, 2020 / Best Feature Film on Art + Sky Arte Prize
Sole Luna Sguardi doc Treviso, 2020 / Rubino Rubini Award
Taipei Literature Film Festival, 2020
Nastri d’argento, 2021 / Nomination for best documentary (Cinema Entertainment Culture)
Mittelfest, 2021 / Mittelimmagine
Fuorinorma 5, 2022
Festa do Cinema Italiano – Lisbona, 2022 / Amarcord – Pier Paolo Pasolini
Pitching Forums
Winner of DOK Leipzig Award at Bio to B, 2018
Selected at DOK Leipzig Co-Pro Market, 2018
Directors: Francesco Costabile and Federico Savonitto
Produced by: Remigio Guadagnini and Augusta Eniti
Voice over: Daniele Fior
DOP: Debora Vrizzi
Editing: Natalie Cristiani and Federico Savonitto
Soundtrack: Paolo Corberi
Sound: Havir Gergolet and Antonio Petris
Sound design: Eric Guerrino Nardin
Costume designer: Vittoria Prignano
Production: Altreforme, in association with Centro Studi Pier Paolo Pasolini, Cinemazero, Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico, Kublai Film. In collaboration with Home Movies – Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia
Supported by: Fondo per l’Audiovisivo del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission, Fondazione Friuli
Theatrical distribution: Tucker Film (Italy)
International sales agent: CAT&Docs